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IBC 2024: AI’s Greatest Power in Media is to Make it Seem Normal


很难让人工智能远离新闻头条 IBC展会2024, 不是因为在新闻或产品方面有什么突破性的东西,而是因为这项技术现在是每个媒体技术对话的重要组成部分.

“This is a watershed moment for artificial intelligence,——安迪·胡德, 广告集团新兴技术副总裁 WPP 他在IBC会议上说. “Because AI enables people at every level of our organisation do what they need to do.”


“AI is a buzzword but it is also a technology that can be used to create exciting new products,Huma Lodhi说, 首席机器学习工程师, 天空, demonstrating an AI powered sports highlights generator that won 天空 and Comcast a technical Emmy.

也就是说, 关于GenAI自动化整个流程(如脚本编写或视觉特效)的讨论很少,更不用说叙述内容了. 对算法取代工作的担忧已经转变为积极采用人工智能进行分析、后台系统和一些生产功能. 人工智能与云计算的结合,现在被视为让广播行业恢复财务平衡的绝对关键.

AI is an example which humans can get very resistant to based on what they don’t know,” said 菲尔明智, EVP and CTO at Paramount Global. “A big part of our time is spent educating with programs around technology. We even sit in on productions to talk through ideas rather than try to push top down.” 

从左到右:Bhavik Vyas, AWS; Maninder Saini, 12个实验室; Lewis Smithingham, Monks; Richard Kerris, 英伟达; Sepi Motamedi, 英伟达

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Banijay娱乐, a French-headquartered TV production company, is on track to post €4 billion in revenue this year. It has partnered with Adobe and AWS to index all 200,000+ hours of content it owns with the aim of speeding up and expanding versioning for distribution.

“经过大量的实验, it’s clear that AI-powered workflows and logistics will generate great savings and improve our profitability,首席营销官达米安·维尔(Damien Viel)说. “我们对待人工智能就像创办一家新企业一样. 我们仍然是一家创意公司,而不是一家科技公司,所以我们必须确保我们正在开发的技术能够帮助创意人员以他们一贯的方式完成他们的工作.”

类似的, 奥运会主办广播公司OBS正在利用人工智能实现“全球本地化”规模,将其直播内容剪辑并分发到数字平台,但对将人类排除在这条链之外持谨慎态度.

“今年我们本可以在巴黎使用人工智能直接向用户发布内容,但你仍然需要制衡,这只有经验丰富的编辑才能做到,克里斯·杰克逊解释道, 数字数据和分析全球主管, 奥运频道.

The more capable your AI product the greater the risk of introducing bias and errors, he warned. “We built an editorial co-pilot to help human editors check the output data before going direct to end users.”



“We are at the beginning of a 内容创作 revolution,弗雷德·霍雷什说, Chief of Strategic AI Partnerships at GenAI platform Bria. 从传播一个想法转变为一种模式,在这种模式中,媒体以多种不同的形式表达和表现出来.”


“We’re at a new frontier for rights owners to make the most of the rich IP they have,曼宁德·塞尼说, 业务增长主管 12个实验室, 谁开发了一种深度学习模型,可以从多个接触点提取有关内容和用户的信息.

“Broadcast, sports leagues, teams, and studios are sitting on IP and not sure what to do with it. 使用基于人工智能的元数据提取, they can make sense of what they have and make more of it through targeted adverting and hyper-localized video.”

只有在内容所有者将其系统转移到云端的情况下,使用人工智能将内容存档从成本中心转变为利润中心才可行. 刘易斯·史密斯汉, 蒙克斯战略产业执行副总裁指出, “Content owners with their archive on LTO tape are going to be challenged in monetizing that asset.”


“We will soon see AI influence content,” said Richard Kerris, VP and GM of Media & 英伟达娱乐. “We’re already seeing the ability to change on-screen logos in sports distributed to different territories. 下一步是,人工智能将把直播中的产品植入高度本地化,精确到特定的地理区域和特定的产品.”


对于一项具有人工智能潜力但在实施保障措施和监管行业方面缺乏先例的技术,人们仍然感到担忧, 我们在IBC被告知, 得到了这个.

SMPTE President Renard Jenkins spoke of a lot of “soft deployments” of AI in M&SMPTE正在与工作室合作, content owners and vendors on education around AI implementation.

“技术的发展速度超出了我们的能力,所以我们正在与社区合作,了解他们正在计划和发布什么. 人工智能是我们设计方式的根本性改变, what we use and how this is integrated into our individual processes. In the age of AI we have to have guardrails and that’s where policies and standards becomes extremely important.”

随着欧盟人工智能法案的生效, 欧洲广播联盟的一位高级政策顾问告诉IBC,与人工智能开发者的合作仍在进行中,这意味着内容创作者的保护和报酬问题尚未解决.

 “我们希望与人工智能提供商进行全面讨论,为我们的成员提供谈判杠杆,以换取使用他们的内容,弗朗索瓦·拉瓦说. “我们的目标是给予会员控制权.”

A word of warning came from Juan Reyes of the Tech Align Group; “AI is in every room and every panel here at IBC but there is no standard and no guideline. 工作室担心自己的IP会被其他工作室或内容创造者工作室抢走,因为他们的IP没有在AI系统中被追踪或记录.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

IBC 2024 流媒体 Digest – AI, 5G, Live Sports, Monetization, Content Curation, and 更多的

ICYMI: here is a complete collection of 流媒体's IBC 2024 coverage. 与参展商, 演讲者, 以及来自170多个国家的游客, this year's event was an in-depth cornucopia of all the latest streaming, 广播, 媒体, 娱乐热点话题, 包括人工智能, 5G, 现场直播的体育, 内容创作, 还有更多.

IBC 2024: Better Content Curation Through Conversation with Imaginario AI

在IBC 2024上,一家名为Imaginario AI的伦敦公司推出了一个人工智能驱动的解决方案,因为它特别聪明和有创意而脱颖而出. 我会见了首席执行官兼联合创始人Jose M. Puga还近距离观察了一个内容索引和管理工具,该工具使用多模式人工智能模型“使视频内容像文本一样可搜索”.“Imaginario AI在今年的IBC上引起了不小的轰动,在IABM的BaM奖项中获得了“管理”类别的一等奖.

IBC 2024: Four Things You (Might Have) Missed at IBC

服务器引导广告插入的新创新, 基于nrcs的新闻节目制作管理, cost and carbon emission reductions for AI workflows, AI-based cloud storage and 媒体 asset management and more at IBC 2024.

IBC 2024: Pivot to Streaming Paying Off, Says Paramount Global CTO Wiser

派拉蒙全球(Paramount Global)正处于困境,即将被出售,但它的未来是光明的,因为它正在成功地将系统从生产转移到云计算中的分销, according to the company's Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, 菲尔明智.

IBC 2024:内容观看的未来

流媒体领域的女性在IBC 2024上就“内容观看的未来”进行了精彩的专题讨论,并以一些惊人的数据拉开了序幕, courtesy of Omdia Senior 研究 Director Maria Rua Aguete. 以M开头 & E market poised to top $1 trillion in overall revenue in 2024 and 61% of that coming from advertising, "everyone knows you can't make money just from subs anymore."

IBC 2024: Capturing Customers in a Crowded Streaming Marketplace

我在IBC 2024上看到的大部分内容都集中在各种新的和近乎新的战略上,这些战略旨在解决ibm最古老的问题之一&E and OTT world: capturing and retaining customer attention in a constant and crowded battle for eyeballs.

IBC 2024: 5G和体育直播贡献

Many have made the case for 5G-in-the-sports-arena around in-game sports betting, 并哀叹该领域的增长不如预期的爆炸性,因为5G失去了展示其实力的机会. 尽管5G和道具投资仍然是一对般配的组合, 在IBC2024上,大部分关于5F的讨论都是关于5G如何使体育直播主播能够进行云制作,从而带来多个提要,并提供更动态、更吸引人的流媒体和快速转弯的精彩片段.

IBC 2024: Gracenote Exhibits New Watch Prompts Dataset That Drives Audience Tune-in and Engagement

利用人工智能和人类编辑专业知识, Watch Prompts complements Gracenote Video Descriptors to deliver facts, 人才招, 内容比较.

IBC 2024: Media Vendors Sacrificing Training and Interop for Revenue and Efficiency, IABM Warns

在IBC2024, the IABM has warned 媒体 tech vendors that they cannot continue to do business the same way they always have. 更重要的是, they are prioritizing investments in products that generate revenue, 灵活性, and efficiency at the expense of training and interoperability.

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